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Top Clubs Interested in Man City Midfielder Calvin Phillips

  • 2024-01-16 02:12:50|
  • 作者:网站小编|
  • 来源:章鱼直播

According to Sky Sports, there is a growing interest in Man City midfielder Calvin Phillips from several top clubs. Crystal Palace, Everton, Newcastle United, West Ham, and Juventus are all said to be interested in the talented midfielder.

Man City is reportedly more inclined to sell Phillips directly, but they have not ruled out the possibility of loaning him. If a loan deal is agreed upon, Man City is seeking a loan fee of £5 million and the borrowing club will be required to cover either the full or a significant portion of Phillips' £135,000 weekly salary.

Newcastle United is considered a suitable destination for Phillips as they are currently looking for a loan player to replace the suspended Jonjo Shelvey, and Phillips is their preferred choice. However, the club's CEO, Darren Iles, and manager, Eddie Howe, warned last week that their spending within the Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR) has reached its limit.

West Ham has also shown a keen interest in Phillips. However, the player's wages could be a stumbling block for the Hammers to complete the deal.

Everton, on the other hand, is facing serious financial issues and cannot afford to buy players or pay loan fees unless they sell players from their squad.Juventus remains interested in Phillips and has already made initial contact with Man City. However, their manager, Massimiliano Allegri, is reportedly looking for a midfielder with slightly different characteristics.Overall, it seems that there is a lot of interest in Calvin Phillips, with several top clubs hoping to secure his services. The next move will depend on whether Man City decides to sell or loan the talented midfielder. As for the interested clubs, they will have to find a way to meet Man City's demands, whether it is paying the transfer fee or accommodating Phillips' wages. It will be an interesting transfer saga to watch as the January transfer window approaches.

